MavPAC’s strength lies in its membership. By joining MavPAC, members have an opportunity to participate in local and national events, network with rising leaders from every industry and region, and help determine who will lead our country.
Take this opportunity to join the premier national network for conservative young professionals.
Questions? Email us at info@maverickpac.com
Membership Options
ONE vote per candidate funding round
Access to all local and national events
Recognition in MavPAC’s monthly newsletter
Participate in members-only conference calls
Sustaining Member $300/Year
Leadership Circle $750/Year
All Sustaining Member benefits apply
THREE votes per candidate funding round
Opportunity for consideration in leadership positions
Chairman’s Circle $1,500/Year
All Leadership Circle benefits apply
SIX votes per candidate funding round
Executive Cabinet $5,000/Year
All Chairman Circle Benefits apply
NINE votes per candidate funding round
Contact us.
Have questions or need more information about membership? You can contact us by filling out the following form: